Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie
Manuscript format

In order to speed-up the review process, the authors must strictly adhere to the rules for content and style.
Electronic submission of manuscripts is preferred.


Manuscript content and style

Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie accepts research and review manuscripts, as well as book reviews on relevant topics. Typically, research manuscripts will consist in ABSTRACT, brief INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and/or CONCLUSIONS, brief Acknowledgements, and REFERENCES sections, followed by figures and/or tables (the later accompanied by short explanatory notes). Generally, research manuscripts should be up to 10 pages long, all sections inclusive. Review manuscripts, up to 20 pages long, should consist in ABSTRACT, brief INTRODUCTION, main DISCUSSION (with subsections as required by the subject matter), brief Acknowledgements, and REFERENCES sections, followed by figures and/or tables (with explanatory notes). Book reviews, up to one page, consist in a section titled BOOK REVIEW, identifying the book title, authors/editors, and edition at the beginning of the text, and, if necessary, a REFERENCES section. The content of the manuscript must not have been previously published in other academic journals, books, or chapters. However, preliminary data presented at scientific meetings may be included if they are part of a significantly expanded analysis within the manuscript submitted to ARA.

Page and font format

Each page should be set-up 3 cm from top and from left, and 1.5 cm from bottom and from right margins, counted throughout, and written in Times New Roman font. The title of the manuscript must be in 14-sized bold font, centered and capitalized. Authors’ names must be in 12-sized font, centered and capitalized. The abstract must consist in 10 single-spaced rows, 9-sized font, followed by up to 5 keywords in the 11th line. The rest of the manuscript must be single-spaced, in 12-sized justified fond. Titles of figures will be centered. At the bottom of the first page the following note should be added (in font 10, capitals and the number of volume with bold):


Authors in the reference section should be written with font 12, title of paper with italics, and the number of the volume with bold. The manuscript ends with a paragraph including: the date of submission, the authors’ institutions, e-mail address of the corresponding author, and e-mail addresses of each co-author.

Reference style

References should be appearing in text with the name of author, year of publication and, in the case of books, chapters or references over 50 pages long, the page in brackets, i.e. (Popescu 1999: 43). When one author published more articles in the same year he/she should be quoted as (Popescu 2001a: 88; 2001b: 67). When there are three or more authors the format becomes (Popescu et al. 2002: 56). All references must be complete and accurate. Internet addresses will be fully cited when mentioned for the first time within the text (e.g. and briefly referred to thereafter (e.g. Britannica). Similarly, institutional or organizational works without authors will be fully cited when first mentioned in the text (e.g. Guidelines for Conduct of Research Involving Human Subjects at NIH), and shortened thereafter (e.g. NIH Guidelines). The software will be abbreviated (e.g. SPSS) if widely known. Examples of reference styles:

a) For books:

Olivier, G. 1960, Practique anthropologique, Paris, Vigot Frere.

b) For book chapters:

Hill, K., Hurtado, A.M. 1996. The Ache, in: Hill and Hurtado, Ache life history. The ecology and demography of a foraging people, New York: Aldine de Gruyter, p. 41 – 81.

c) For journal articles:

Bell B., Budowle B., Martinez Jarreta B., Casalod Y., Abecia E., Castellano M. 1997, Distribution of types for six PCR – based loci in central Pyrennee and Teruel (Spain), Journal of Forensic Science, 42 (3), p. 510 – 513.

d) For software, internet addresses and non-specified authors:

---, 2001, SPSS for Windows, Rel. 11.0.1. Chicago: SPSS Inc.

---, Britannica,

---, 1994, Guidelines for Conduct of Research Involving Human Subjects at NIH


Photos and graphics will be sent on separate pages with the text centered and 12-sized font. Please supply original photos because copies from the published papers will not be accepted.

Submission format

All materials must be submitted together, in a single, editable electronic format file, compatible with MS Word, Open Office or similar software capable of bold, italics and other font formats, and supporting integration of tables and figures (i.e. with extensions “doc”, “odt”, “rtf”). Tables must be included in the main document, not as separate spreadsheets. Pictures and graphs must be embedded in the document, either as lossless TIF or high quality JPG, all black and white. Graphs depicting measurable data must be embedded as independent figures (i.e. disconnected from the data tables of formulas). All internet and e-mail addresses must be dissociated from the HTML format (i.e. text only).

The editors will make reasonable efforts to help with the process of document formatting. When electronic submission is difficult, the editors will accept materials sent in printed format, as long as they follow the journal submission standards, and with the note that the review process may take longer.